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11:25 p.m. - 2007-08-11
Migraine, VBS
Excuse me if I am a little loopy. 14 hours later and three doses of migraine medication later, I can finally stand to open my eyes without getting the sudden rush of nausea. I am suppose to be at work, but there was no way that was happening. So, I have been in bed all day, with a warm pack on my neck and a cold rag on my forehead and the blanket pulled over my head. Thank God, the headache is finally starting to go away. Imitrex just doesn't do much good if you can't keep down. I am making myself try to eat something. Of course, I don't feel like cooking so I am eating one of Jon's lunchables. So far, so good. Now if my neck would jut stop hurting.

Anyways, Jonathan is doing good. His medication seems to be working and with little side effects. The first time we increased the dose, he did get really lethargic and acted as though he was drunk. Luckily, it only lasted about 24 hours.

My parents did take him to the ER the other night because they thought his medication was causing a rash. Turns out he got a little too aggressive with a pool noodle and had major abrasions. They diagnosed him with "noodlitis". Yeah, I will never live that one down with my coworkers. Better safe than sorry though.

Yesterday I registered him for 2nd grade. It is hard for me to believe that my baby will be 8 next month. Where does the time go? Jonathan went to vacation bible school last week and absolutely loved it. He has taken a real intrest in the Lord and has almost completed an entire children's Bible. The book is about 500 pages and he probably has 50 pages left to go. He really wants to be baptized so I need to talk to his father about it. My religion baptizes from birth up, his father's only baptize from adolescence up. So when Jon was born, I agreed to wait awhile but since Jon is asking to have it done himself, I think it is time. Hopefully his dad and that side of the family won't argue about it too much.

Jon is with his Dad this weekend so at least the house is quite. That reminds me that I need to update my other diary.



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